Professional Builder Profile Interview: Zech McCarthy of Far North Trail Company in Michigan

I’m excited to release another interview in our Professional Builder Profile Interview series. I’ve heard from many of you who are enjoying this series. Sometimes, it is easy for all of us to have tunnel vision as we’re focused on our projects and in our corner of the world. This interview series is fun because you can see and hear from professional trail builders from around the world who are making it happen and building their businesses and careers in trail building.

Our next interview features Zech McCarthy of Far North Trail Company, located on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Without any delay, let’s jump into this!

Sean: What are you currently doing?

Zech: Gearing up for the Michigan build season to kick off. Finalizing contracts, checking over equipment, and taking care of maintenance.

Sean: What prompted you to take the plunge in launching out and starting your own trail building company?

Zech: I had been working for another trail building company for several years. Things felt like they had plateaued in that position, and I had gained enough experience to be confident in my skills. There was an opportunity in my hometown, Marquette, Michigan, to build a new skills area and jump park. Things aligned as needed, and I made the move into independent contracting. 

Sean: What’s been the craziest story or a-ha moment so far?

Zech: I was working on a project in downstate Michigan, digging on a section that required some borrow pitting, pretty standard. I had taken a few bucket loads with the machine and then took one more and dumped it. Out of the bucket and pile of dirt scurried an opossum! It was thankfully un-injured and quickly ran away, but it definitely gave me a serious jump out of the seat and one of the crazier things I have seen on the trail. 

As far as an a-ha moment, I think just realizing that it’s not as hard as you might initially think. Everyone is figuring things out as they go. There is no perfect recipe, but if you are willing to take a chance and believe in yourself, you might just be surprised by what can be accomplished. 

Sean: What was the biggest obstacle you faced when starting?

Zech: A big one was just looking at the real numbers of how much work I needed to take on in order to be able to cover costs and make things feasible. It was a little shocking at first, but trying to stay efficient and work within my means has helped keep things going. 

Also, I am just getting used to life on the road. Leaving home and family is definitely a challenge. It can be inspiring for the creative process, but as with anything, finding the balance is key. 

Sean: What is one thing you wish you knew when you started?

Zech: Take care of your body. It is the driving force behind trail construction. Even if you are just sitting in a machine all day, your body is the tool that makes the work happen. Stretch, strengthen, try not to have too many after-work beverages!

Sean: What advice would you give to someone thinking of venturing out to start their own trail building company?

Zech: Stay true to the passion of biking and trails. If you are in it just for the money, the quality of the product and relationships with clients, partners, employees, and the community will suffer. Trail building will always reward those who are willing to get dirty, put in some hard work, and have fun doing it!


That concludes our interview. If you have a story to tell, click the button below and drop me an email.

Interview by: Sean Benesh Photos: Supplied by Zech McCarthy


Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.

Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.

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