One Track Mind Foundation Partners with Timberland Hills for an Epic Trail Experience
The great outdoors has always been a place of wonder and adventure, and now, thanks to a visionary partnership between the One Track Mind (OTM) Foundation, Timberland Hills Foundation (THF), and Burnett County, a new and exciting chapter is unfolding in the heart of Wisconsin. With the spotlight on the Timberland Hills Recreation Area near Cumberland, a destination-quality single-track mountain bike trail system is about to become a reality, creating a trailblazing experience that will captivate outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
Take Care of Your Trails Campaign in Europe
The Take Care of Your Trails campaign is based on a successful pilot project developed by national member Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland (DMBinS). In 2017, IMBA Europe adopted the concept and worked in partnership with DMBinS to turn TCoYT into a pan-European event. The objectives of the TCoYT campaign are to promote trail stewardship & improve the image of our sport; to recognise the work of many MTB volunteers; to encourage new or strengthen existing partnerships; and to protect the places we love to ride.
World Premiere of Documentary Film on the BC-Based Indigenous Youth Mountain Bike Program
Williams Lake, BC – January 24th 2024 – the BC Indigenous Youth Mountain Bike Program (IYMBP) announces the world premiere and release of a new documentary film, Dirt Relations: The Story of the Indigenous Youth Mountain Bike Program, on opening night of the 2024 Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival, Friday, February 23 at the Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver.