We’re Building Trail Builder Mag Together: Here’s What to Expect in 2024

2023 was a breakout year for our trail-building community. We published our first two print magazines and continued to grow our online content. The Winter 2024 issue is already well on its way to being completed. There’s a lot to celebrate. Here’s what you can expect in 2024 …

Content Written by YOU

I will keep repeating this statement, “Through Trail Builder Mag, we are creating a platform to inspire, inform, and connect together around the common goal of building, maintaining, and advocating for more trails.” We’re building this together. One of the practical ways that this looks is I want this to be a platform for you to share stories. Whether in print or online, you are the contributors. Have a story to tell? This online platform and magazine is the place to do so. Along the way, we’ll determine if it’s a better fit for online or print.

One of the comments I regularly hear when talking to potential contributors is, “I’d love to write and contribute, but I don’t have a background in writing or journalism.” That’s okay. You don’t need to. The articles that we receive, whether for print or online, come from a wide variety of people, yes, from those who do write for a living, but also from those who are passionate trail builders. Again, this is your platform.

Growing Online Content

I am working to continue growing our online content. The way this works is that, most often, someone emails and pitches an article idea. Or, I’ll be conversing with someone and say, “Hey, I love what you’re doing. Would you be interested in writing about it?” It’s as simple as that. Please email me your ideas, and let’s get them into the queue. Especially for businesses or non-profits, this is also another strategic way to showcase your work and what you’re about. I have more ideas for different article series that I want to roll out.

Here are some topics I want to explore, which means if any of these resonate with you and you want to write about them, please email me … (1) trail building in different climates (e.g. desert), (2) rock work, (3) more academic research, (4) economic development from trails, (5) trail building in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, (6) bike parks, (7) more tool and equipment reviews, (8) colleges/universities offering trail building programs, (9) policies and regulations, (10) working with various land managers, and (11) much more!!!

Four Quarterly Magazines

While I was a bit behind on releasing the last issue, we’re moving forward with quarterly print magazines this year. I knew it’d take a bit to get into a groove, and I wanted to give myself space as I built and implemented systems, tightened up schedules, and continued to network. I also wanted and needed to experiment with the print magazine, such as determining a reasonable page count, how many articles to have, etc. Two magazines in, and we’re getting into a better groove.

I do hear regularly from many of you about us offering subscriptions. While I had planned to have that up and going by the last print issue, I realized I still needed to dial in pricing better. When I am ready, you’ll be the first to know.

Ongoing Transparency

I will continue to be as open and transparent as possible about this magazine, from pricing to distribution. As I’ve previously shared, I want you to be informed and aware since this is your platform. Why are things priced as they are? Where is the magazine going? How can you get involved? What are we doing to grow and steward this magazine and platform? These questions and more are essential to address. I think of you as more than simply readers and those who follow along on social media. Instead, it’s almost like your shareholders. I want you to have a say.

I will also keep you in the loop about funding. As I’ve shared, I started this with no upfront money and doing everything out-of-pocket. I am working to grow our sponsors and paid ads, whether for the print magazine or online. I know there’s a balance somewhere with ads adding value to the magazine experience and not being a distraction. We’ve all picked up magazines or visited websites where it was so ad-heavy that it was a turn-off. I just received the latest issue of one of my favorite magazines (a different industry), and I noticed more ads than pages of content. I don’t want that for Trail Builder, yet at the same time, ads cover the costs of printing, paying contributors, and more.


I am excited about what this year will bring. There’s palpable excitement and momentum. We continue to find and connect with trail builders from around the world through social media. Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement. We’re only getting started …

Words: Sean Benesh Photos: Sean Benesh


Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.

Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.


Big Wednesday at Heyward 


How Do You Build a Trail?