Introducing the Trail Builder Mag Fall 2023 Media Kit

Now that it’s September, the release of Issue #2 is right around the corner in October. Time has flown by since we released our first issue at the beginning of July. As with anything new, there’s trial and error. We’ve also given ourselves space to be flexible and adaptable. There will be changes implemented for Issue #2. Thank you, though, for journeying with us in this startup process. Our user survey has given us valuable data, which we are putting into action. But before we go any further, we’re excited to announce the release of our updated Media Kit. So what is it, and why is it important? And why am I telling you this?

First of all, what is our Media Kit? Simply put, we share it with potential advertisers interested in paying for ad space in the magazine and our website. I intentionally kept our first number of paid sponsors small as we navigated through many firsts. Again, why am I sharing this all with you? Within trail building, it’s a tight-knit community. For example, a number of the companies that make hand tools are small operations. We are getting to know more of them on a first-name basis, which is exciting. We’re collectively in this together. Some companies are literally one-person operations. We’re sharing this Media Kit with you because there are inevitably many other companies we’ve yet to connect with who want to expand their reach. We want to invite you to connect with us.

So, what does our Media Kit have inside? We share updated data and demographic information to understand better who’s tracking along with Trail Builder Mag (that’s you, by the way). I am working on an article to share more about the results of our user survey. Beyond that, the Media Kit has other data like website and social media stats. Traffic to our website continues to grow with new followers on our various social media platforms. It’s exciting to be trending in the right direction and growing in these areas rapidly.

I'd love to talk more if you want to advertise with us for our upcoming Issue #2 and on our website. Click the button below to download our Fall 2023 Media Kit and email me.


Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.

Sean Benesh

Sean is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Trail Builder Mag. He is also the Communications Director for the Northwest Trail Alliance in Portland, Oregon. While in grad school, he worked as a mountain biking guide in Southern Arizona. Sean also spends time in the classroom as a digital media instructor at Warner Pacific University.

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